com.Unity: From the Desk of Mark L. Goldstein

Menorahs in the Windows

When I grew up, we did not publicly display our Judaism. The Deep South in the 1960s was not the most tolerant area of the United States. Sure, people knew with the name “Goldstein” that we were Jewish. To most, we were just different. My father grew up in Poland between the world wars w…

Preparing for Emergencies, Even When We Don’t Want To

I am deeply troubled by what is happening in Israel. I have family and friends there and think about them often. I am incensed that much of the violence appears to be flamed by innuendos and lies about what some are saying are Israel’s intentions to change the “status quo” of the Templ…

The Historian Who Made History

I don't have many Facebook friends, largely because I don't spend much time on Facebook, but also because I am really bad at accepting friend requests. I have over 250 pending friend requests (so if you are one of those 250, don't take it personally. I am probably 'into you' just not that in…

Some Letters Make Me Proud (and Anxious)

I get a lot of letters and emails. I mean a lot. Some are typical business correspondence. Some are not happy with something the Federation or another Jewish organization has done or not done. Some are even complimentary. There really are no boundaries. Literally, there are no boundaries.

A Dissatisfied Nation

We have all cited the joke of the waiter dealing with a table of difficult, demanding and seemingly not-to-be-satisfied Jewish diners. At other tables he checks in and asks “Is everything okay?” but at this particular table he asks “is anything okay?”

Perhaps our tradition teaches u…