Take Action

Find out what you can do to support Jewish causes from Harrisburg to Washington to Israel.

Selfies for Israel

Want to show your support for Israel during this difficult time? Take a photo of yourself with one of the signs here, or one of your own design, and e-mail it to stephanie@jflv.org to be posted on Facebook and Twitter. You can also post the photos yourself with the hashtag #IStandWithIsrael. 

Special Prayers for Missing Teens

The Lehigh Valley Jewish community joins with Jews around the world to offer our prayers, thoughts and solidarity to the families of the three boys kidnapped in Israel on June 12.

Recognizing the expressive need of Jews in times of despair, the Jewish Federation and the Lehigh Valley Clergy…

Join Us in Wishing for a Safe Return

The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley joins the rest of the Jewish peoplehood in Israel and the Diaspora in wishing the safe return of  Eyal Ifrach, Gil-ad Sha'ar, and Naftali Frenkel.

Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and friends during these difficult times and wi…

Thank Congressmen for Staying Tough on Iran

From AIPAC President Robert A. Cohen:

Two weeks ago at the AIPAC Policy Conference, we began lobbying senators and representatives to send a strong message to the president about what Congress expects from a final deal with Iran. Yesterday, congressional leaders delivered two important lett…