A New Year of hope

As summer comes to an end, it’s bittersweet to see it go, but the excitement of a new year brings with it hopes and possibilities. Here at the Jewish Federation, we’ve been diligently planning for the upcoming program year—scheduling committee meetings, preparing events, launching new projects, and connecting with affinity groups and event chairs. We’re enthusiastic about the opportunities that the 2024-25 year holds.

Our 2025 Campaign for Jewish Needs, chaired by Bill Markson and Israel and Valeska Zighelboim, is set to kick off with a series of exciting events. We’re thrilled to start the year with an informative major gifts reception and community program on Tuesday evening, September 10. This event is chaired by Eileen Fischmann, Eileen Ufberg, and Vicki Wax and will feature Lt. Col. (Ret.) Jonathan Conricus, a senior fellow with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and former international spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces. This will be an important briefing you won’t want to miss.

Women’s Philanthropy, led by Laurie Wax, will commence the campaign year with a special program on Monday, September 9, featuring three remarkable artists from Yoav, our Partnership2Gether community. During their stay in the Lehigh Valley, Sunny, Idit, and Romina will lead workshops with our synagogues and agencies and engage with groups of all ages. This will be followed by a Lion of Judah/Pomegranate event on October 22. Organized by event chairs Carol Bub Fromer, Beth Kushnick, Lauren Rabin, Naomi Schachter, Tama Tamarkin, and Crissy Toff, it will take place at the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia. Women’s Philanthropy is also preparing mitzvah project opportunities, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Zach Goldsmith continues to lead our Maimonides Society and we anticipate robust, programming on current topics. Our Maimonides Society is at the forefront of both philanthropy and service. The society provides a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals to connect to a cause they care about and to each other. Their first program will take place on Sunday, September 22, and will feature guest speaker Suparna Damany, who will talk about getting yourself ready for the Jewish New Year.

NextGen, chaired by Chelsea Busch, Aviva Marlin, and Lyell Scherline, is gearing up to host three to four events during the year for individuals aged 30-45, aiming to inspire young leaders and strengthen our Jewish community. They are dedicated to creating a vibrant space for the next generation of engaged, empowered young adults committed to our community’s future.

We’re also excited to launch two important initiatives to address antisemitism. The Be the Narrative Student to Student program will foster engaged teen volunteers to share their Jewish identity and experiences, while a hands-on workshop for parents and students, in collaboration with the Anti-Defamation League, will provide practical tools and insights.

As we approach the first anniversary of the tragic events of October 7, we’ll commemorate this moment on Monday, October 7, with a special multimedia presentation. Chaired by Naomi Schachter, Tama Tamarkin, and Miriam Zager, this program will feature a moving video and musical tribute created by Sally Mitlas Productions, reflecting the complex emotions of grief, pride, horror, and hope.

Your participation and support are crucial in turning our communal aspirations into reality. With Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year, approaching, we enter a time of reflection and renewal. It’s a chance to assess our actions from the past year and seek ways to improve ourselves, our community, and the world in the year ahead. This season always inspires me to reflect on our collective goals and impact and the potential of what we can achieve together.

Wishing you, your family, and our entire community a sweet New Year filled with an abundance of joy, peace, and contentment.

Shanah Tovah, Metukah, U’mevurechet!