From the Desk of Jeri Zimmerman

The monthly column of Jeri Zimmerman, executive director of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley

Hello 2020

Although it is sad to see the summer fly by, the anticipation of a new year brings with it the hopes and possibilities of wonderful things to come. While we at the Jewish Federation have spent a good part of the summer planning for our new program year, scheduling committee meetings, prepari…

Tending the blossoms of friendship in Yoav

It is always special to visit Israel, but even more so when you are welcomed with open arms. In June, I had the wonderful opportunity of being in Israel with Miriam Zager and Aaron Gorodzinsky to visit our Partnership2Gether community in Yoav. We were there to reimagine our partnership and t…

It all starts with YOU

The situation in Venezuela is a dire humanitarian emergency. The cyclone in Mozambique, devastating. The synagogue shootings in Pittsburgh and San Diego and multiple arson threats in communities like Boston and Chicago have forced us to look inward at our own security protocols and do everyt…

‘I been blessed’

Years ago, my family was called up for an aliyah at our synagogue in preparation for our upcoming trip to Israel. As we were leaving the bimah, one of my then-4-year-old twins turned to me and said very excitedly, “I been blessed,” (and implying that all was right with the world).

The c…