
29 2017

PJ Library Bend & Stretch @ Super Sunday

10:30AM - 11:30AM  

Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley 702 N. 22nd Street
Allentown, PA 18104

Contact Abby Trachtman
610-821-5500 x321

Bring your young padawans to the Jewish Federation's annual Super Sunday phone-a-thon and community mitzvah day for a PJ Library program featuring stories, snacks, crafts provided by Camp JCC and a bend and stretch class with Coach T. Photo opportunity with FeFe from the IronPigs!

Free and open to everyone. The first 50 kids will get a free T-shirt.

To register or learn more, contact Abby Trachtman at 610-821-5500 or abbyt@jflv.org.