
12 2018

Breakfast & Learn: Six Million Prosecutors Featuring Dr. Rachel Korazim

9:30AM - 11:30AM  

Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley 702 North 22nd St.
Allentown, PA

Contact Shari Spark
610-821-5500 x334

On May 23, 1960, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion announced to the Knesset that the Israeli secret service had located and brought to Israel Adolf Eichmann, one of the top Nazi officers responsible for the systematic murder of European Jewry during the Holocaust. In the months that followed, Israel prepared for the trial. This session will look at this period through the lens of literary expression; capturing the early phases of a crucial change in the Holocaust narrative in Israeli society. 

Featuring Dr. Rachel Korazim, freelance Jewish educator.

Free and open to everyone, but RSVPs requested by Monday, April 9.
Call 610-821-5500, email mailbox@jflv.org or REGISTER NOW